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Tag Hitler

Narendra Modi on ‘negative faces’ list: 4 students and Principal booked in Kerala #FOE #WTFnews

The campus magazine for 2013-14 was released on June 4 and one of its pages titled ‘negative faces’ featured a photograph of Modi. The principal of a government polytechnic in Kerala and four students were among seven people booked by… Continue Reading →

India Elections – Secular Anthem- We Pledge not to Vote Modi #AbKiBaarModiKiHaar

  सौगंध हमें इस मिटटी कि, हम देश नहीं मिटनें देंगे हम देश नहीं बिकने देंगे, हम देश नहीं झुकने देंगे । सौगंध हमें इस मिटटी कि, मोदी को वोट नहीं देंगे ये धरती हम से पूछ रही, कितना लहू… Continue Reading →

Waiting for the Assassin – आततायी की प्रतीक्षा #NOMOre_2014

––––––––––– अशोक वाजपेयी  (एक) सभी कहते हैं कि वह आ रहा है  उद्धारक, मसीहा, हाथ में जादू की अदृश्य छड़ी लिए हुए  इस बार रथ पर नहीं, अश्वारूढ़ भी नहीं,  लोगों के कंधों पर चढ़ कर वह आ रहा है… Continue Reading →

एक बार एक हिटलर था #NOMOre_2014

  एक बार एक हिटलर था:- 1) हिटलर ने शादी नहीं की थी 2) हिटलर पक्का राष्ट्रवादी था 3) हिटलर एक धर्म विशेष के लोगों को देश का दुश्मन मानता था तथा उसने उनको सबक सिखाया था 4) हिटलर कम्युनिस्टों… Continue Reading →

Narendra Modi invited to release Bhagat Singh Jail diary- is like Hitler being invited to release Lenin’s book #mustread

Chaman Lal , hastakshep.com  In context of ‘Narendera Modi being invited to release Bhagat Singh Jail diary’! I join in expressing my concern with further emphasis that it is like ‘Hitler being invited to release Lenin’s book’! or ‘Bush being invited… Continue Reading →

#India – Of Sati, snake bites and superstitions #Vaw

[ Daily News and Analysis, 2 Sep 2013 ], Garga Chatterjea Recently I was exposed to an interesting concept called Godwin’s law. Godwin’s law states that ‘As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or… Continue Reading →

Censoring Hitler — and the past

Laws that destroy our civil liberties are dangerous, no matter who passes them By Ezra Levant,QMI Agency If every Jew in Europe had a firearm, do you think Hitler could have killed six million of them so easily? He might… Continue Reading →

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